When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, I was fascinated, though never thought it would last. How could Donald Trump, a real estate developer and reality TV star with no political experience, boasting about his wealth, spouting racism and bigotry be a serious presidential contender? Apparently I was wrong.

The book is filled with 100 illustrations that cover Trump's campaign making you laugh and think.

REVIEW: Witty and Entertaining!
This book of Trump illustrations was a fantastic experience. Not only did it take me through the blow by blow of Donald Trump’s many offensive statements, gaffes and other odd moments from the campaign but it also used creative imagery to show, not tell this wild moment in American political history. Many of the pictures will be sure to give you a good laugh and others are soberingly right on the money. I recommend reading. If there was a print version it would live on my coffee table.

Contact me at: 100facesoftrump@gmail.com

FREE on iBooks $2.99 on kindle (still really cheap)

Below Screen Captures From The Book